

Comprehensive Guide to YouTube Blogging Along with 10 Ideas for Various Types of YouTubers

These days, the blogging market is hotter than ever, attracting many young individuals worldwide towards online content creation. With the recent Instagram filtering discussions in many country, numerous bloggers find themselves at a crossroads. Some intend to continue their activities on other apps, facing inevitable challenges. Others, disheartened, contemplate leaving their work altogether. Even before the Instagram filtering issues, many individuals chose YouTube over Instagram, establishing and sustaining their online presence.

YouTube, one of the most popular social media platforms, can be considered a formidable competitor to Instagram. Given the significance of this application, we aim to explore YouTube blogging in this article, addressing the following points:

  1. YouTube Blogging Tutorial
  2. Introduction to Various Types of YouTube Blogging
  3. Comparison between YouTube Blogging and Instagram
  4. Key Considerations for YouTubers
  5. Methods of Generating Income on YouTube

For more information on each of these topics, we recommend staying with appchey until the end of the article and sharing your valuable insights with us.

YouTube Blogging Tutorial:

YouTube bloggers, or YouTubers, play a significant role in today’s society. Like blogging on Instagram and other apps, successful YouTube blogging requires an initial idea for content creation. Before anything else, understanding that YouTube blogging, much like other platforms, necessitates a unique and distinctive idea for content creation is crucial. Creating content that stands out is not an easy task.

To better understand how to produce engaging content, consider exploring content created by well-known YouTubers whose names have likely crossed your ears at some point. Some famous Iranian YouTubers include Aabed Naseri, Modgol, Sousang, and Fimess. Beyond ideas, having the right equipment is vital for YouTube content creation. This includes having a good camera for filming. Additionally, familiarity with YouTube and its guidelines is crucial.

Introduction to Various Types of YouTube Blogging:

In this section, we’ll outline ten types of YouTube blogging that can aid in content creation and expedite your progress:

  1. Food Blogger: Highly popular across social media, food blogging involves participating in challenges like #SmorFood and producing content related to cooking, table setting, and creating appealing dishes and desserts.
  2. Lifestyle Blogger: Showcasing your daily life and depicting a healthy lifestyle forms the essence of lifestyle blogging. Lifestyle bloggers attract a significant amount of attention as they portray the allure of their lives.
  3. Music Blogger: Providing exposure to various music genres, analyzing different songs, and critiquing music are the primary tasks of music bloggers. A deep understanding of singers and numerous songs is essential for this category.
  4. Design Blogger: If you have a passion and talent for design, becoming a design blogger is recommended. Displaying attractive and unique designs, showcasing portraits of famous personalities, and featuring popular bloggers are some activities to engage in.
  5. Sports Blogger: Physical fitness is a highly sought-after topic among users of social media. If you have expertise in a particular sport, you can easily share your experiences, attracting followers and generating income.
  6. Gamer: Gaming blogging has become a dominant force in the market. Gamers, or game bloggers, can review and analyze various games, offering gameplay content to captivate their audience.
  7. Book Review Blogger: For literature enthusiasts, sharing insights and reviews about different books is a compelling content idea. Knowledge about a wide range of books and the ability to present them attractively is key.
  8. Film Critic Blogger: With a plethora of films released daily, providing critiques and comparisons between them can be a captivating form of content creation. Analyzing the nature of films and assessing their quality can make your channel stand out.
  9. Craft Blogger: Offering tutorials and creating handicrafts with various materials, sharing your creations with users is a fascinating niche. Engaging in craft blogging requires creativity and a talent for creating visually appealing items.
  10. Travel Blogger: If you have a passion for travel and have visited various interesting places, sharing your experiences and insights can be captivating. Utilize the beauty of diverse locations for content creation.

In conclusion, whether you’re already a YouTuber or aspiring to become one, understanding the diverse types of YouTube blogging is essential for creating engaging content that resonates with your target audience.

Comparison of YouTube Blogging and Instagram:

Chances are you’ve heard about the working conditions on YouTube and are aware that becoming a YouTuber entails very specific and different conditions compared to blogging on Instagram. Living in Iran, access to YouTube and its income opportunities can be challenging. As mentioned earlier, starting YouTube activities requires substantial resources. Unlike Instagram, where you can manage with a simple phone, YouTube demands a powerful filming camera. In Instagram, bloggers primarily aim to attract followers, while on YouTube, gaining subscribers is among the primary goals for a YouTuber. To increase subscribers, consistency and regular activity on your channel are crucial. Focus on a specific topic for content creation, similar to Instagram.

Key Considerations for YouTubers:

Here are some tips for YouTubers:

  1. Call to Subscribe: Invite your audience to subscribe to your channel at the beginning or end of your videos. Analyze your previously published videos, and those with the highest subscribers can be used as a benchmark for future content.
  2. Optimize for Subscribers: To get more subscribers, optimize your videos. Pay attention to YouTube SEO in your content. Similar to Instagram, start your video with an engaging title.
  3. Utilize YouTube Downloaders: Identify powerful YouTube downloaders and recommend them to others for downloading your videos. This helps increase your viewership.
  4. Use Editing Software: Tools like Edit to Shorts are useful for YouTubers. If you aspire to become a successful YouTuber, explore other articles on Smart Cloud for more insights.

Income Generation on YouTube:

Generating income from a YouTube channel requires enrolling in the YouTube Partner Program. You earn dollars for every 1,000 views. However, due to significant sanctions, discussing YouTube income in Iran is challenging. The income depends on factors such as the watch time of your videos. The higher the watch time, the more favorably YouTube regards your channel.

The second requirement for earning on YouTube is reaching 4,000 watch hours for your videos. To initiate income generation, activate the “Monetization” section in your YouTube account. Click on “My Channel,” then “Customize Channel,” and finally, on “View additional features.” In the next page, under “Monetization,” click on “Enable” to complete the process.

Note: You must have a Google AdSense account as your earnings are paid through it. The process also involves having your bank account details and YouTube account information identical.

In summary, YouTube blogging and Instagram differ in terms of conditions, goals, and content creation. It’s important for YouTubers to focus on subscriber growth, optimize videos for search, and use tools to enhance their content. Generating income on YouTube requires meeting specific requirements and utilizing the YouTube Partner Program.

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