
Defense Protocol

Download Defense Protocol game for PC | TENOKE version

“Defense Protocol” is a new entry in the strategic, indie, and casual gaming genres, developed by Never Software and released for PC in 2023. This freshly introduced computer game, presented to you in this article from Yas Download website, offers an exciting and engaging challenge. In this game, you must defend your base and strive for survival. Collect resources, upgrade your technology, and prepare your spaceship for a journey to a distant planet.

Your main objective in the game is to defend your base against endless waves of alien invaders. The game begins on an unknown planet where you, with an emergency landing, will attempt to repair your spaceship. Collect resources from various points on this planet and upgrade technological modules. Your goal is to repair your spaceship and rescue it from this waterless planet. You can now obtain the final version of the Sebil Engineering game for free through the direct link on the Yas Download website.

Download the game with a size of 884 MB
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To copy the file password, hold on the heart and click on the copy option

Click on the heart to copy the file password


– Software and games that have a crack, serial or patch are disabled when connected to the Internet. To prevent the connection of software that does not need the Internet, you must use a firewall so that you do not have the problem of cracking when using the software.

– The file in ISO format should be opened by virtual drive with Ultra ISO software or Daemoon Tools software or extracted and installed by WinRAR software.

– Disable your antivirus when installing the game.

– Copy and replace the game crack in the place where the game is installed.

– In case of any problem, read the site’s download guide.

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