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Hackers Infiltrate Computers Using These 8 Common Methods

Hackers are becoming smarter every day and infiltrating computer systems using various methods to steal information. Some of these methods are more common than others.Hackers employ different techniques to breach users’ systems and steal their personal and financial information. In this article from appchery, we examine eight common methods that hackers use to infiltrate users’ systems and carry out cybercriminal activities, including financial data theft.

Hacker with a Hoodie Using a Laptop

1. Phishing Attacks

Phishing is one of the most common methods used by hackers to steal personal and financial information from online users. In this method, hackers, posing as trustworthy entities such as a reputable person, a large organization, or similar entities, introduce themselves with deception and send a malicious link to the victim. By clicking on the link, the victim’s information and data are stolen. Hackers often send their malicious links through social networks, text messages, or emails.

For instance, you might receive an email claiming to be from your bank, asking you to click on a link to review your account. When you open the link, you’ll see a page resembling your bank’s website, prompting you to enter your account information such as card number, expiration date, CVV2, and password. After providing this information, hackers gain access to your banking details and empty your account.

2. Exploit Kits

An exploit kit is a toolbox used by hackers and cyber attackers to pursue their malicious objectives. These kits are employed to attack hardware devices and internet networks.

Not all exploit kits are the same, and their development dates back many years. Some developers sell these kits to hackers for a price. Among the most important exploit kits are Angler, Fiesta, and HanJuan, which hackers use to infiltrate users’ systems.

Modern ransomware like Locky 3.0 is more dangerous as it encrypts extracted data after compromising systems.

6. Hacking through Wi-Fi

Today, most home and office users rely on high-speed Wi-Fi for internet access. However, Wi-Fi networks are susceptible to hacking, and intruders can easily gain access to them. In general, anything connected to the online world is not safe from hackers.

Wi-Fi networks that are not hidden are more vulnerable to hacking, and hackers can easily use their traffic to connect to the internet. It is also possible for hackers to exploit security vulnerabilities in the device and network connected to it, easily infiltrating the device.

7. Obtaining Personal and Confidential User Information from the Dark Web

You have probably heard of the Dark Web and know that it is the dark side of the online world and cyberspace. Many illegal and dangerous transactions, including buying and selling weapons, drugs, and even humans, occur in the Dark Web.

In addition to the above, information and data from organizations, famous individuals, and even government entities are shared in the Dark Web. Hackers acquire this information and misuse it for their benefit. Some of the most important information sold on the Dark Web includes individuals’ banking and financial information, phone numbers, email addresses, and more.

8. Infected USB Drives

Infected USB drives are one of the oldest and most common methods for hacking computer systems. In this method, hackers physically connect USB drives containing malware or malicious links to computers or laptops to steal sensitive data. Additionally, cyber attackers can remotely take control of users’ systems through this method.


With the advancement of technology and the development of new technologies, coupled with the majority of people being present in the online world, the focus on network security is more critical than ever. Hackers are always lurking to engage in data theft using various methods and exploit users. Therefore, it is essential to have sufficient knowledge of hacking methods and adhere to security measures to keep your information and data safe from hacking threats.

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