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Microsoft Edge Chromium

Download Microsoft Edge, the new Chromium Edge browser from Microsoft Microsoft Edge Chromium 121.0.2277.98 Stable x86/x64 Win/Mac

Microsoft Edge Chromium 121.0.2277.98 Stable x86/x64 Win/Mac is the latest version of the well-known and fast Microsoft Edge browser. As previously promised by Microsoft, this version is released using the Chromium engine. Many of us began our internet browsing journey with Internet Explorer. As internet usage increased among Iranian users, many computers were running Windows XP and the default Internet Explorer browser. After releasing several different versions of this browser alongside introducing new versions of the Windows operating system, Microsoft gradually thought about a major change and transformation. Browsers like Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome, which managed to capture a significant share of the web world, halted the progress for Internet Explorer. This led Microsoft to unveil a completely new version of this browser called Microsoft Edge, simultaneously with the introduction of Windows 10.

Although Microsoft Edge had speed, simplicity, and many advantages, convincing users to switch from the extensive world of extensions available in browsers like Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome was challenging and almost impossible. Several years have passed since the launch of Microsoft Edge, and eventually, Microsoft, with a new decision, unveiled a new program to update Microsoft Edge. From now on, Microsoft Edge will be based on the Chromium browser engine, offering the same capabilities. Microsoft Edge will now operate based on Chromium, and you can search for the same features in Microsoft Edge. This development will attract many current Chromium browser users, as all of its extensions will also be usable in Edge. In this article from the appchery website, we have prepared the first (test) version of the Microsoft Edge Chromium browser for you, dear users, so that you can share your experience with this new browser with us as one of the first users. You can now download the Microsoft Edge Chromium browser for free from the appchery website.

Key Features of Microsoft Edge Chromium:

  • Ability to use Google Chrome extensions in Edge
  • Having Internet Explorer mode (to open pages exclusively designed for this browser)
  • Notable security due to operating in an open-source framework
  • Having a collection feature for easy gathering, organizing, and sharing web content
Download Microsoft Edge Stable x86
Download Microsoft Edge Stable x64
Download Microsoft Edge Stable Arm64
Download Microsoft Edge for macOS
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To copy the file password, hold on the heart and click on the copy option

Click on the heart to copy the file password


– Software and games that have a crack, serial or patch are disabled when connected to the Internet. To prevent the connection of software that does not need the Internet, you must use a firewall so that you do not have the problem of cracking when using the software.

– The file in ISO format should be opened by virtual drive with Ultra ISO software or Daemoon Tools software or extracted and installed by WinRAR software.

– Disable your antivirus when installing the game.

– Copy and replace the game crack in the place where the game is installed.

– In case of any problem, read the site’s download guide.

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