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Android 14 Release Date and What We Know

In this article, we'll introduce and speculate on the possible release date of Android 14, along with all that is expected to come in the next version of Android.

Currently, Google is working on Android 14, which is expected to be the most significant update to the operating system in 2023. The annual release of Android versions signifies that there are still plenty of practical features awaiting Android users.

As strange as it may seem, Android 14 is, in fact, the 34th version of the Android operating system. Some versions like Android 8.1 Oreo or Android 12L and some intermediary samples had minor changes, contributing to the increased count of released Android versions.

Android 14 Release Date

Like previous versions, Android 14 will be released according to a specific schedule, but Google has not yet announced the exact release date. The released versions until now are as follows:

  • February: Android 14 Developer Preview 1
  • March: Android 14 Developer Preview 2
  • April: Android 14 Beta 1
  • May: Android 14 Beta 2
  • June: Android 14 Beta 3 (Platform Stability)
  • July: Android 14 Beta 4
  • August: Android 14 Beta 5

Based on the beta versions released so far, we can expect the final version to be released in either September or October, as most major Android updates have been released in one of these two months.

New Features in Android 14

At the time of writing this article, Google has not disclosed many details about the new features in Android 14. However, several areas of interest have been mentioned, and some features are in development, which we can look forward to.

Satellite Communications

The iPhone 14 has an emergency satellite communication feature that allows you to connect to satellites when you have no Wi-Fi or data connection. Hiroshi Lockheimer has confirmed that Android 14 will also have this feature. It’s worth noting that he is one of the original founders of Android, dating back to Google’s acquisition.

Separate File Sharing Menu Updates

The file sharing menu in Android is an important part of the operating system. It appears when you want to share photos, videos, or apps with specific individuals. Currently, updating the file sharing menu requires a full system update, but Android 14 may turn it into a standalone update module. This would allow Google to update this section more efficiently and easily than before.

Adapting Apps to Different Display Sizes

In the era of foldable phones, one crucial criterion is app adaptation to various display sizes. Google is working on updating the list of apps that have the most compatibility with foldable phones, enabling developers to preview different sizes of their apps before release.

Regional Priorities

Android 13 introduced language-specific settings for each app, and it seems that Android 14 will expand on this idea with new formats. The new feature “Regional Settings” allows you to configure settings for weather units, calendar formats, or number formats based on your chosen region.

For example, most Iranian users prefer to display weather in Celsius, and previously, they had to change it from Fahrenheit to Celsius, but with regional settings in Farsi, you won’t need to do this extra step anymore.

Better Support for Physical Keyboards and Mice

After adapting apps to different displays, it’s time for Android 14 to provide better support for physical peripherals. Google is preparing to add support for modifier keys such as Caps Lock, Ctrl, Alt, and Windows. Additionally, there might be more options for how touchpad gestures and scrolling work.

Customize Lock Screen Shortcuts

Customizing the device’s lock screen is not a new feature for Android, but it has mostly been limited to Samsung phones. In Android 14, this feature will be more universal, making it easier for users to access their preferred shortcuts.

Prior to this, Google determined which shortcuts were available on the lock screen, and some of them may not have been very useful to users. Android 14 will provide slots on the left and right for using the flashlight, DND (Do Not Disturb), camera, Google Wallet, mute, Google Home, QR code scanner, or video camera. Some of these may not be relevant in Iran, though.

Uninstall Pre-installed Apps

Some Android devices come with a lot of annoying pre-installed software, from bloatware to various games. Android 14 may include a section in the Developer Options menu to remove “background-installed apps.” However, it’s not yet clear if this feature will be available in Android 14 or a future version.

Changing the Gesture for the Back Key

The Android back gesture is not always the best, especially when apps don’t always indicate where the gesture will take you. To make this more transparent, Android 14 will provide a preview of where the gesture will take you when swiping from the edge of the screen to go back. This means when swiping from the edge, you’ll see a preview of the previous screen.

Increased Sensitivity for Sideloading Apps

When you try to install an app from outside the Play Store, you’re sideloading the app onto your phone, a task that’s also possible in Windows 11. Android 14 has become smarter and won’t sideload apps that require an Android version 6 or older.

Automatic SIM Card Switching

Currently, using two SIM cards on an Android phone can be somewhat cumbersome. If the primary SIM card has poor reception, you have to manually switch between SIM cards. In Android 14, there is a new option in the settings that allows users to select “Automatic Mobile Data Switching,” and Android will automatically switch between SIM cards based on mobile network coverage. It’s worth mentioning that iPhones have had this feature for a few years.

App Cloning

App cloning is a feature that previously required third-party apps or specific Samsung devices to achieve. Android 14 may officially introduce this feature to your device, with a new “Cloned Apps” menu in the apps section. However, not all apps will be available for cloning, as developers and manufacturers can choose whether to enable this feature for their apps.

Using Android as a Webcam

Last year, Apple introduced the capability to use iPhones as webcams. Now, Google is working on adding this feature to Android devices. This project allows you to connect your Android device as a USB Video Class webcam to other systems, unlike iPhones, which are limited to specific devices.

App Password Support

Android 14 is set to add new security features for accessing installed apps. It will allow you to use passwords, fingerprint sensors, and facial recognition as authentication methods to access your apps. Password management systems like Dashlane and 1Password have confirmed that Android 14 will have new security features for app access.

Advanced Media Access Permissions

iOS 14 introduced a feature that allows apps to access only selected photos. Android 14 may include a similar feature. When an app requests access to media, you can choose which files to grant access to or allow the app access to all files. It’s not certain whether this feature will be available in the final version of Android 14, but it’s a welcome change.

Android 14’s Codename or Google’s Next Tasty Treat

A code change in the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) revealed that the official internal code name for Android 14 is “Upside Down Cake.” For a long time, Google used dessert-inspired codenames for major Android releases. However, this tradition ended after Android 9 “Pie” in 2018. Since then, Android 10, 11, 12, and 13 were simply released without dessert-themed names.

Public dessert naming might have ended, but the internal code names persist. The internal code name for Android 10 was “Quince Tart,” for Android 11 it was “Red Velvet Cake,” for Android 12 it was “Snow Cone,” and for Android 13 it was “Tiramisu.”

If you’re interested in knowing which phones will get Android 14, you can check a list of all the eligible devices on websites like appchery.

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